
Wednesday, 26 February 2014


vehicles releasing fumes into the atmosphere

Have you ever taken a close look of the city horizons at dawn when darkness is creeping in?
It could be shocking just how the city atmosphere is polluted with fumes of  burning materials ranging from all hydrocarbons . 
These fumes rise into the atmosphere creating clouds of dark smoke that cause visual hindrances.
On Monday 17th February, at around 7pm as we were heading home with a colleague, that is when I noticed just how the atmosphere is polluted. At a distance of 100 meters, dark fumes could be seen rising to the sky.
Just think of all the vehicles that come to the city every day. These vehicles that mostly use diesel as fuel release a lot of fumes of dark smoke into the air.
foggy atmosphere due to pollutant gases
This fumes are as a result of incomplete combustion of these hydrocarbon products. When these hydrocarbons are burnt with limited supply of oxygen, it results to incomplete combustion releasing carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide.
Burning of plastics also contributes to a greater extent in the pollution of the ozone layer. They are made of hydrocarbons hence contributing to the same pollution effect like engine fuels.
How can all these pollutants and human beings co-exist? According to environmental scientist, trees help in the elimination of these harmful gases from our atmosphere.
The most effective way to manage a degrading atmosphere due to human activities is by planting of more tress in order to eliminate these gases.
plants and vegetation cover should be encouraged in every part of the city in order to counter the hazards that results from these gases.