
Tuesday 29 December 2015

Moody Traffics

A week ago along Thika superhighway all vehicles formed serious queues towards Mt. Kenya region.

To most it was time to catch up with their peers and families back in the village. Ready for merry making all had saved for this particular day, 25th of December as they commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ.

It was incredible how much people had left for the upcountry. All jovial as others I could spot dancing from inside of their personal vehicles, all set to spent quality time and cash for this day.

But the situation today as we smell the dry spell of January is here. Most motorist today are serious, not even glancing from their window panes, not even dancing. Why? January is hours away and for most it's the harshest month to start as bills pile up. Ranging from school fees, house rent, and mortgage fee as well as simple utility bills are causing merry lovers serious trouble as they get back to the city.

My simple advise is, relax you had calculated all these cost associated with Christmas so please let respect other road users we all have a share of troubles to handle next month.

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